I was so touched by your book. Here's a copy of what I wrote on amazon and posted on my site:
is a rare jewel of a story covered with tears, joy and sobering faith.
From the heart of a mother whose sole aim is to honor Jesus, remember
her son, and heal the broken hearted. From the wilderness of loss to
the joys of spiritual celebration, a mother's heart is on display for
the world to see.
book is a stirring presentation that pain is real, hope is a roller
coaster, and God is on the throne. There is a difference between
playing a Christian and being one. Through all the maze of hurt, sorrow
and sadness, a brighter picture appears. Micah and his family show us
that God's faithfulness is greater than our sadness.
I was digesting the inspiration of this book, I cried, prayed, and
praised The Lord! I also thanked Him for Micah's awesome family who
guided Micah's salvation experience. How blessed Micah was to be
surrounded by godly conversations, solid spiritual values, and a
Christ-filled family.
be afraid to buy this book, but rather, run to it with open arms,
praising Jesus for every valley and mountain that you discover. After
reading this book, you will not remain unchanged. You will also gain
the understanding that in this life, we are just passing through.
Micah, thank you for leaving us an example to follow. Our reunions in
Heaven will forever be changed!
Pastor Don